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Tracking Your Windows Phone App Analytics with VSO's Application Insights Part 2

After writing a lot of additional code, you now have the ability to invoke Application Insight SDK log events from anywhere within your application logic, whether it be in the code behind a page or nested deep within your view model logic. Of course, being able to log this information isn't much good without being able to view the generated event data. Figure 3illustrates the graphical output displayed in the Application Insights online portal.
[Click on image for larger view.]Figure 3. Application Insights Dashboard
Across the top of the online portal are a number of tabs to drill into different areas. For Windows and Windows Phone applications, the main tab of interest is the Usage tab. On the left edge you can inspect the events logged by your application.
Getting application analytics isn't something you should leave until the end of a project, or worse, after you've already published your application. Most analytics tools are simple to get started with, as they now provide Windows Store and Windows Phone libraries. Application Insights for Visual Studio Online is a useful extension to the Visual Studio Online offering, providing analytics directly from your Visual Studio Online portal.
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